What is Social Media for Our Live?
Millennial generations born between the 80s and 90s are, of course, today becoming the foremost generation in the advancement of the world. A computer programmer known for social media Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is one of this generation who has a remarkable achievement in technological advances, especially internet-based networking technology.
In a website Zephoria, mentioned that in March 2017, Facebook's active users reached 1.94 billion users or up about 18 percent from a year earlier. "Facebook is too big to ignore." so the news writer said in commenting on Facebook user upgrades. There also mentioned no less than 20 other interesting facts about the development of Facebook like one of them, there are about 300 million photos uploaded to the networking site every day.
Seeing that we as human beings living today, we should begin to seriously read such statistics for the purposes of our self-improvement. Our potential as a human need we give space and we continue to tackle so that we are not forever just a social media users who just merely participate enliven, let alone used for things that connote negative.
The existence of social media like Facebook (also other social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and so on) we need to use for the purposes of things that are positive. Among the positive things that is for example we use our social media accounts as a business land. What we must realize in this case is the great potential to grow our business through social media.
The strategy of selling through social media becomes another thing that we have to study and seriously if we really want to take advantage of the existence of social media today.
Social media that have a tremendous influence for the survival, for the education sector, economic improvement, and information dissemination, should really we use the best. Our tendency toward negative things like pessimism should be put away. Because actually through social media we really have a wide space to capture and establish relationships as widely as possible.
Social media that have a tremendous influence for the survival, for the education sector, economic improvement, and information dissemination, should really we use the best. Our tendency toward negative things like pessimism should be put away. Because actually through social media we really have a wide space to capture and establish relationships as widely as possible.
If the relationship we have managed to build, then we need to apply our business strategy through social media in which there has been a relationship between us the owner of one account with other account owners both from within and from abroad.